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User-supplied/developed Software

Utilities listed below were written/developed by CDF users. Contact the supplied user directly for inquiry. Software is provided as is without any implied warranties whatsoever from CDF.

A utility to convert between a spreadsheet description of a CDF and its skeleton. This is the MASER (Measuring, Analyzing and Simulating Emissions in the Radio range) project by Observatoire de Paris, CNRS (Centre National de la Recherche Scientique) and CNES (Centre National d'Etudes Spatiales), with support from PADC (Paris Astronomical Data Centre) and CDPP (Centre de Données de la Physique des Plasmas).

This Science Analysis Software for Space Plasmas (QSAS) is a software package, provided by the United Kingdom Cluster Science Centre (Imperial College London), which provides a flexible, extendable environment for the selection, manipulation, and display of space physics data. QSAS is written in C/C++ and is compiled using the gnu compiler set, and makes use of several elements of third-party software, including Qt, CDF, and PLplot. Currently available for Linux, Mac OS X and Windows.

This pure Java-based package, developed by Dr. Mark Taylor at Bristol University, United Kingdom, provides the read access to CDF files. With this package, there is no need to install the CDF library any more if you just want to read the CDF files.

This is another pure Java-based package, developed by our dear colleague, the late Dr. Nand Lal, previously with Space Physics Data Facility, Goddard Space Flight Center, NASA. This package provides both the read and write access to CDF files. There is no need to install any other CDF library. It is currently maintained by Mr. Jeremy Faden at autoplot.
Pure Python-to-CDF (cdflib)
This pure Python 3 package is developed by Bryan Harter from The Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics (LASP) in the University of Colorado at Boulder and Michael Liu at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFG). Mr. Harter wrote the native Python reader for CDF files and Mike Liu added the writing capability to this cdflib library. Its document can be found here. Since this is operating within Python, accessing to CDF is expected to be slower than C-based operation.

This PyCDF tool is developed by Dr. Jonathan Niehof and the SpacePy team at Los Alamos National Laboratory. It is also available here. This Python interface is on top of C-based CDF library. The CDF installation is required. Its performance is faster than non-C library based interface when accessing CDF file. Its interface is Pythonic.

This is another Python tool that provides a self-contained Python reader for CDF. It depends on the CDF library to do the actual CDF loading. The CDF library is included in pysatCDF.
This CDFpp is developed by Dr. Alexis Jeandet of SciQLOP (SCIentific Qt application for Learning from Observations of Plasmas). This is a full C++ implementation for CDF with Python bindings. It can fully support CDF read/write.
This Perl script is written by the Gravity Probe B team at the Stanford University, and it extracts data from a Sybase database to CDF format using the Perl DBI and CDF Perl modules.

Speedups for reading CDF files in MATLAB
This patch (donated by Dr. Robert Weigel at GMU) reads all the CDF records at once, and it's significantly faster than original MATLAB's CDFREAD function. It has been used in spdfcdfread module distributed in the SPDF patch.

This Perl script is written by Dr. Joshua Shaffer at the Drexel University. It enumerates all the attributes in a given relation, creates the corresponding CDF structure, and dumps the MySQL data into the CDF file. It uses Perl DBI, but it can be adapted to work with other DBD drivers.
The prototype IDL and MATLAB routines to support sharing of structured data and save sets between MATLAB and IDL via NASA's CDF format. This tool is developed by Dr. Paul O'Brien (
deimos.cdfCDF logo
This source library provides libcdf bindings for the D language. All C macros are wrapped as D functions and the reference manual is provided in markdown. Together these support developers working in Visual Studio or other code completion IDEs. This tool is developed/maintained by Mr. Chris Piker.