The CDF patch provides modified and expanded capabilities of the original cdfread/cdfinfo/cdfwrite from MATLAB.
Times in CDF are generally stored in one of three forms: CDF_EPOCH (8-byte floating milliseconds from 0AD), CDF_EPOCH16 (two 8-byte floats of seconds from 0AD and picoseconds of that second), and CDF_TIME_TT2000 (8 byte integer of nanoseconds from 2000 AD). SPDF's spdfcdfread can handle all time types, and optionally can convert their values to MATLAB's datenum. SPDF's spdfcdfread also provides cdfepoch and cdftt2000 objects (more accurate but not as efficient as MATLAB's datenum).
If you get error messages reading a CDF file while using MATALB distributed CDF package/modules, we strongly encourage you to try the patch from this page. The patch includes many user suggested enhancements and features. This patch works only for MATLAB version R2007a and later. .
NOTE: Use MATLAB's cdflib.getLibraryVersion function to its CDF's library version. From this patch, you do this: spdfcdfinfo() to show the library version this patch is based.
Please note: MATLAB's CDFLIB package was developed and is maintained sorely by MATLAB.
spdfbreakdownepoch | spdfcomputeepoch | spdfepochtodatenum | ||
spdfbreakdownepoch16 | spdfcomputeepoch16 | spdfepoch16todatenum | ||
spdfbreakdowntt2000 | spdfcomputett2000 | spdftt2000todatenum | ||
spdfdatenumtoepoch | spdfparseepoch | spdfencodeepoch | ||
spdfdatenumtoepoch16 | spdfparseepoch16 | spdfencodeepoch16 | ||
spdfdatenumtott2000 | spdfparsett2000 | spdfencodett2000 | ||
spdfcdfleapsecondsinfo | spdfepochunixtime | spdfepoch16unixtime | ||
spdftt2000unixtime |
Use "help" for their information.
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