To read about the available CDF modules from IDL, you can find them here: CDF_Routines.
Several patches have been made available to date. If you downloaded a patch before and are not sure whether you have the latest patch, please download the patch on this page as it supersedes the previous patches.
The latest patch is based on the CDF Version 3.9.1. For non-Windows systems, make sure the downloaded dynamic library (the .so file) to have executable permission on your machine. Please contact nasa-cdf-support@nasa.onmicrosoft.com if you need a different CDF version.
set IDL_DLM_PATH="c:\idl_cdf391_patch;<IDL_DEFAULT>"
set IDL_PATH="c:\idl_cdf391_patch;<IDL_DEFAULT>"
Note: The above command must be entered exactly as shown,
including angle brackets and double quotes, prior to invoking IDL.
If the patch is checked out fine, you can use the downloaded files:
idl_cdf.dlm and idl_cdf.dll to
replace the ones in the operational directory at
<your IDL directory>\bin\bin.x86_64 for 64-bit mode, or
<your IDL directory>\bin\bin.x86 for 32-bit mode
Backup up the original files.
chmod +x install_idl_mac.sh
chmod +x install_idl_unix.sh
Note: The above command must be entered exactly as shown, including angle brackets and double quotes, prior to invoking IDL.
If the patch is checked out fine, you can use the downloaded
files to replace the ones in the operational directory (may need
the root access) at
<your IDL directory>/bin/bin.linux.x86_64 for 64-bit mode, or
<your IDL directory>/bin/bin.linux.x86 32-bit mode
If you have questions, need assistance or encounter problems, please contact us at cdfsupport.